We're happy to announce that we're adding color tools to TitanCraft, allowing you to color your custom monsters and heroes in-app! Your head is probably spinning with questions, and we have some answers for you. Read on below.


When will color tools be available on TitanCraft?

We hope to let you start playing with an alpha version of the color tools in February 2024. Apply for alpha access here!

The first alpha release will allow you to add color to whole assets at a time, but most assets won't include sub-regions yet. (Meaning you could paint a sword black, but couldn't paint the hilt a different color yet.) Full functionality, including color exports and separate color sub-regions, will come in installments later on.

Will TitanCraft support virtual tabletop export?

That’s the goal! We’ve been working closely alongside one of the major 3D VTT teams out there, and would like to support others as well. Let us know what VTTs you play on!

How will the pricing model work for colored digital downloads on TitanCraft?

We would like for it to work the same as how STL downloads already work: once you purchase an asset, it gets unlocked to your library, and you can use and download it for free on as many characters as you like. The same purchase would unlock both STL downloads and colored VTT downloads. Any asset packs you already own, you would be able to use for free colored VTT downloads as well.

That's our hope. An additional factor we have to consider is that creating VTT-ready downloads requires additional processing time and machine power. Depending on how much ongoing demand there is, we might have to charge an additional fee per download to keep up with the extra server cost. Or find another way to mitigate that cost. We'll figure all that out in the testing phase.

Will TitanCraft offer color 3D prints?

Not at this point. We ordered a few 'printed in color' tests of our characters - they looked good, but they were extremely fragile and very expensive. We may reconsider down the road if the technology improves and the minis get more robust. For now, these color features will just be for VTT export, paint planning, and bringing your cool character ideas to life!


If you've followed our projects since the days of DesktopHero, you may remember that color tools were actually planned as a stretch goal from a DesktopHero Kickstarter back in 2018. Unfortunately, I underestimated how large of an undertaking it would be, and had to put that feature aside.

When Jared and I started making TitanCraft, we built things in such a way that we'd be able to support color down the line. And now that the editor itself is in a good place, we think it's finally time to make it happen.

We're excited for the future! Expect more updates as we go.

- Andrew and Jared

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